On Writing

NaNoWriMo Starts Tomorrow! Go Writers!

Fellow writers, I just wanted to send out one last BLAST of creative juice to y’all before you get started writing 50,000 words over the next 31 days. Are we crazeballs or what? WHAT! We’re writers, we can’t help it!

To help you along, whether you need inspiration or support, here are few links to make your path down the yellow-brick-writing road a worthy adventure:

National  Novel Writing Month – The official site! Start here, folks!

Pub(lishing) Crawl – Tips for NaNoWriMo 2013 by Susan Dennard – Includes all kinds of juicy info from craft to inspiration to general tips.

Nathan Bransford – How to Choose An Idea for A Novel – Nathan’s new book “How to Write a Novel” includes many (47, actually) tips on how to write a novel. On his blog, Nathan refers to his book for those writers participating in NaNoWriMo.

Okay, so this is only three links, but they’re strong and important! Plus, it’s the night before the big day…you’re probably already overwhelmed…I don’t want to add to your anxiety!

Come back to these sites as well as the NaNoWriMo site – well, you’ll be at the NaNo site every day at least once to add up your words, right!

And don’t forget to


Tell your friends and family you and your writing friends are:

so they should ARE-EE-ES-PEE-EE-SEE-TEE your time and space FOR ONE MONTH ONLY! (Expletive)

I’ll be with ya.

Hoping to add some vlogging to this year’s endeavour. Good grief. I know you want to see that – me at 5am. *At least you won’t have to smell my bad breath, right?

I’m gonna go ahead and congratulate you now for all your hard work and effort.


I’ll see you on the morrow.

NaNoWriMo 2013, baby. Write to live. Live to tell – you are a winner.

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