On Writing

Socks for Supper

Socks for Supper by Jack Kent is my favourite children’s book from my childhood. I can’t tell you the first time I read it, or perhaps, the first time it was read to me. I can’t tell you where I first felt and held and loved the copy I had…or even when it mysteriously disappeared from my collection. Luckily, I found a used copy at a thrift store and, upon seeing it, gleefully and gratefully bought it and took it home. It lives on the bookshelf in the basement, nestled among other children’s books.

This is a simple story, written in simple words with simple illustrations that deliver a complicated message about kindness and sharing. It is about poverty and hope, food and eating, farming and knitting. It is about humanity.

I just reread it again, sitting here in the basement in the giant chair I’ve shoved in the corner even though it totally doesn’t fit. I know at some point it will migrate to a new home, maybe to Jett’s bachelor pad or to Miller’s bedroom when she takes over the basement…I needed something to inspire me before I fold into work that will take the rest of the weekend to complete.

There’s nothing like a children’s picture book to soften complicating realities, to warm the heart with a breath of simple words that charm the heart and soothe the soul. Also, that may make one hungry and begin to crave a solid piece of cheese…which one can then look forward to enjoying on a break from the work!

This book was published in 1978, the year I was born. It wasn’t till maybe 1983 that the book came into my life…and now, some 46 years later (you know I just used the calculator on my phone to do the math), it continues to give me pause, to inspire, to teach…to give me hope.

What is your Socks for Supper children’s book? I do hope you have one…or more. If not, take a trip to the library and spend a couple of hours in the children’s book section…read, read, read…and I guarantee you’ll be filled up.

*Don’t forget to move your clocks ahead one hour tonight! And that tomorrow is a new moon!

2 thoughts on “Socks for Supper

  1. I’m will look for this one! I so agree about children’s books and collect them. I just read the fire cat that I haven’t heard or read in 60 years and it had an amazing message


  2. Hi Vanessa,

    When I started school, I was introduced to books! 

    We lived outside library boundaries, and I could not access library books.


    div>However, the grade five teacher always said th


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