I Am That Woman · My Book

OH-EM-GEE-ON GHOMESHI! My mission to be on Jian Ghomeshi’s radio show!


I’m on a mission.

To be a guest on Jian Ghomeshi‘s radio show, Q with Jian Ghomeshi. His show airs weekdays on CBC Radio One at 10:00am and 10:00pm (NT). I’ve been listening to Jian for a long time now, including everyday if I can as I’m driving to get my kids after school. *Sometimes I leave work early just to sit in my car and listen to his how. Don’t tell.*

In this great Toronto Life feature by Courtney Shea “Well, Hi There: Jian Ghomeshi, live and off the air”, an important (could-be) fact jumped out at me: “There’s a running joke among Q staff that if they want to get in touch with their boss, they should try tweeting him—Ghomeshi is a compulsive tweeter, maintaining flirty relationships with his followers.”

Well, I think I still know how to flirt (I’ll be married 11 years this year…) , and I’m pretty darn sure I know how to tweet, so I’m determined to get Mr. Ghomeshi’s attention through the Twitter-sphere – and beyond into his studio for an interview.

Yes, there may be a few, shall we say ‘challenges’ to making this happen.

a) I’m fairly new to the Twitter-sphere with just over a thousand tweets and a tiny but caring and supportive bunch of followers (243 to be exact).

b) While Mr. Ghomeshi have writing in common, his book ‘1982‘ likely sold more books in one week than I’ve sold in total over three years.

c) As far as ‘big star’, ‘well-known’, ‘who-the-heck-are-you’ status is concerned, I don’t really have one. Although if he asked any of you, dear subscribers, if I’m worth a conversation on his show, you’d all lift up your skirts, kick your heels together and say, ‘She’ll knock your pretty little striped socks off, sir!’. Wouldn’t you?

So how do I make this happen?

Wait, there’s another important point I think I need to add.

d) I’m a mother of two, aged 5 & 7 (Miller, who we call Meeps and Jett, who we call Goose),

…as you can see, we’ve got the family-selfie down…er…

…yup. Mastered it!

… and I’m a wife of almost 11 years, and a friend to many. I work three jobs and I just had my second book published, which means I have a fourth job – to get this book into the world! Time is not something I have loads of, n’est ce pas? Even to tweet…Mr. Ghomeshi is no slouch when it comes to fitting things in, though, right? If he can juggle, so too can I.

Here’s what else I’ve got though:

1) A whackload of moxie.

*that’s an ‘m’ my hands are makin’, yo. M for moxie!

(moxie |ˈmäksē|noun informal; force of character, determination, or nerve : when you’ve got moxie, you need the clothes to match. ORIGIN mid 20th cent.: from Moxie, the proprietary name of a soft drink.)

2) A book of poetry I’m extremely proud of.

3) YOU, dear readers, to help me tweet and Facebook Mr. Ghomeshi.

4) Photoshop skills (not mad, but getting there) to help create fun photos like this one.

5) And, well…I’ve got that feeling you get when you know you’re living your dreams. I’ve visualized myself being on Q enough that when I hear his voice (or his producer’s voice) on the line telling me I simply must be on the show, I’ll be able to hold me pee in as I’m jumping up and down with excitement answering ‘Yes!’ . (I think.) I believe if I work hard enough, get to tweeting, get to Facebooking, and get my book in his hands, I have as good a shot as anyone.

So…will ya help me?

Let’s get me on Q with Jian Ghomeshi, shall we?

*Mr. Ghomeshi, if you’ve somehow already gotten to this blog…and some angel in your circle has pointed me out to you…well, sir. Hi, there. Let’s talk poetry. Let’s talk motherhood. Let’s talk vaginas and how to hold your pee in when you sneeze after you’ve given birth to two kids. Let’s talk about the naked photos taken of me when I was in university – wait, wuh?

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